Special Assembly – High School

April 12, 2024

Each new academic year brings with it the promise of growth, learning, and discovery. A special Assembly was conducted on Friday, the 5th of April to welcome the High School students to the new session. Music has a unique ability to transcend barriers, to speak to the soul, and to bring people together in harmony. And, we stand on the threshold of a new chapter, what better way to welcome, regale, and unify than through the universal language of music!

There were mellifluous classical renditions under the able guidance of Mr Subasis Hazra and English ones under Mr David Lal. The Principal, Ms Nisha Kaul welcomed and addressed the gathering, reminding the students that they are becoming part of a vibrant community dedicated to their success. She exhorted everyone to embrace every opportunity to learn, to connect with their peers and mentors, and to make the most of their academic experience. As a delightful surprise, there was an announcement of a Brass band being introduced in the High School with instruments like the trumpet, Saxophone, clarinet and side drums being taught by a Music instructor Mr Ramesh Chandra Sharma.

Finally, the House trophy was given out for last session. Agni House emerged as champions, followed by Terra House as first runners-up. Elmaa House was declared the second runners up.

The students left the Newton hall fuelled with enthusiasm, determination, and a sense of purpose, hoping to make the year a memorable one!

Strawberry Fields High School