Strawberry Fields High School Celebrates Graduation of the Class of 2024

April 12, 2024

On April 8th, 2024, Strawberry Fields High School bid farewell to its graduating Class of 2024 amidst a heart warming ceremony filled with pride, reflection, and hope for the future.

Parents were invited to witness this milestone event, commencing at 2 pm, where the Principal, Ms Nisha Kaul and Vice Principal, Ms Shabnam Singha extended a warm welcome to all attendees as part of their welcome address, emphasising how this significant milestone promised both endings and beginnings as students prepared to leave behind school life. The ceremony commenced with a mellifluous performance by the school choir.

Dr. Pramath Raj Sinha, the Commencement Speaker, delivered an inspiring speech highlighting how failures do not define one for life and how anyone with the desire to succeed holds significant potential for change.

As the anticipation mounted, diploma scrolls were bestowed upon the graduates, symbolizing the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. The stage then belonged to the voices of the future, with speeches delivered by the girl School Captain and IBDP Valedictorian, Ishitta Grover, the boy School Captain, Vitthal Tewari, the ISC Valedictorian Sachit Sapra, the IBDP Salutatorian Aarush Khanna, and ISC Salutatorian Vidula Kapur as the students reminisced about their experiences in school and celebrated the hopeful changes and path to follow in the future.

An emotional moment ensued as the graduating class handed on the torch of leadership and values to the incoming twelfth graders in the “Handing the Light” ceremony, passing on virtues of compassion, humility, accountability and integrity. As a final send-off, a nostalgic montage video celebrating the achievements and memories shared by the graduating class marked the end of the event, followed by a vote of thanks from the school to the outgoing class.

Strawberry Fields High School