Deplastify: Abhigatya Pratisamadhan

November 9, 2019

Realisation about the harmful and disastrous effects of plastic use comes easy, however it takes time for society to throw away something so deeply entrenched in our daily lives. Deplastify, a campaign started by Vaanya Gilhotra a student of class 9 along with four more students, kickstarted with aplomb on Friday morning. The three R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) are taught early on  but few of us incorporate it into our daily lives. This campaign aims at turning recycling of plastic into a lifestyle. In affiliation with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the recent initiative of banning Single use plastic by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, this campaign’s mission statement states, ‘Bharat Ko Swach Banana Hai , Har Ghar Se Plastic Hatana Hai .’ We were overwhelmed by the marvellous response which we received from students of Junior School, Middle School and High School alike. It is heartwarming that students are aware of their ecological responsibility so early on. The contributions shall not go unnoticed and the student with the maximum contribution shall be given a certificate of appreciation at the end of every month. We thank all those who contributed this Friday and look forward to more participation on the upcoming collection days.

Strawberry Fields High School