BWB Forum Winner!
January 25, 2023
In a recent global forum titled “Zero Waste Zero Hunger” held by Global Educations Destinations Organisation, a member of the Buddies Without Borders (BWB) club, Gulnaaz Gill of IBDP year 1 won the people’s choice award alongside her teammates: Daria Suraeva from Cyprus, Yazan Sanduka from Jordan and Katie Liu from Hong Kong.
Gulnaaz on her experience in the forum:
“The forum was an intellectually enriching experience considering I met people from around the world and learnt about various perspectives shared by multicultural groups of people. I was lucky that my team was filled with people who were focused on the same goal and shared a positive demeanour towards the forum. Due to my guiding instinct, I led my team initially and assigned them roles so that we covered all of our deadlines on time, but eventually, my team’s work became a collaborative effort and everyone had an almost equal participation in our work. I also won the pioneer award and got a scholarship seat for the next forum. This was an individual award for my hard work in my team and cohort. The most interesting part of this forum was that I got to work with people with such diverse cultures that came from various parts of the world and share differing perspectives on a global matter of zero waste and zero hunger. My team was assigned to the nation Taiwan and we worked extensively on solving its food waste accumulation issues. The most fun part of this forum was coming up with various solutions for our assigned country. I made an awareness website as one of our solutions and then we contacted a community based Taiwanese organisation that is based in Taipei and is working on food waste and zero hunger.”
What perks did they receive by winning “The People’s Choice “award?
While the experience of the forum itself was a prize, Gulnaaz Gill and her team also won some incredible awards. Gulnaaz Gill alongside her team, won an internship opportunity funded by Microsoft and Starbucks through Global Destinations Org.
Previously, forum winners have engaged with countries that have an unstable national state or a dysfunctional economy to use the resources supplied by the two sponsors and support local reforms in the respective regions of the world. As the opportunity presents itself for her to work on, Gulnaaz will start her internship in September 2023, and she is enthusiastically awaiting it after observing the accomplishments of former teenage interns.
Now Gulnaaz is sure to have some experience up her sleeve on ways to win the next forum.
Henceforth, Do not miss out on the chance to initiate future local action projects like “Pink Week,” which has become a tradition since it has been organised twice in the school, or to participate in forums that will assist you in enhancing your profile by joining BWB.
For any queries regarding club and forum admissions contact:
(Rushil Doger- president of BWB club)