Car Free Day 2019
September 23, 2019
The students, wholeheartedly supported by their parents, and the staff of Strawberry Fields High School contributed to the ‘Car Free Days’ initiative by the Chandigarh Administration, with remarkable enthusiasm.
The school was committed to making the event a success, thereby adding our own contribution to the efforts to save the environment, one less car at a time. In this endeavour, the parent community provided generous encouragement, as students pulled up at the gates on foot, on bicycles and on cycle rickshaws, while others car pooled and kept extra vehicles off the roads. Students from the high school classes were seen standing by the roadside with posters to further disseminate the information regarding World Car Free Day. It was particularly heartwarming to see the youngest of our students being passionate about the cause, giving us hope that the message, that each one of us can, and will, do his or her best to safeguard the environment for the future, was finding its mark.
As always, the School is highly appreciative of the cooperation of the parents. It is a matter of great solace and comfort that we are able to rely on your unequivocal support in all our undertakings. We thank you for standing with us!