Exploring Anatomy: Strawberry Fields High School students visit GMCH sector 32, Chandigarh

May 9, 2024

On 2nd May, the medical students from 11th and 12th grades embarked on an insightful trip to (Govt. Medical College and Hospital) GMCH, Sector 32, Chandigarh. They were accompanied by their biology educators, Ms. Jolly Raizada and Ms. Ramanjot Bedi. The visit was aimed at gaining practical knowledge of the human body and enriching their learning through first-hand experience.

The day began with a presentation on “good touch” and “bad touch,” delivered by an experienced doctor from GMCH. He explained the concepts clearly and also provided useful suggestions on how to handle challenging situations. The doctor answered students’ questions adeptly, addressing their concerns and dispelling any doubts.

Next, two seasoned anaesthesiologists gave a talk on the responsibilities of first responders and shared practical first-aid tips. They then instructed the students on basic CPR techniques, demonstrating the process on dummies. The students, too, had the opportunity to practice CPR on the dummies, refining their technique and reinforcing previously acquired knowledge.

Later in the day, the students visited the Anatomy Department of GMCH and examined the human organs preserved there.


Student Reflections:

Saanvi Agrawal (IBDP Year 1): “The visit to GMCH was enlightening, fun, and interactive. We heard from experienced doctors and scientists, learned CPR techniques that can be life-saving, and saw actual human organs in a safe and hygienic environment.”

Shareen Sandhu (IBDP Year 2): “During the trip, we explored, preserved human organs at GMCH. Observing the heart and lungs up close reminded me of the complexity of our bodies and also of our mortality. The hands-on experience made me appreciate the marvels of human anatomy and evolution.”

Harman (IBDP Year 2): “The CPR training seminar was eye-opening. Learning how to potentially save lives was empowering, and the instructors emphasized quick and effective action. Touching actual human organs was initially a daunting experience that was soon transformed into one of respect for those in the medical field. This practical experience made textbook knowledge come to life.”

Vaishnavi Mukhi (IBDP Year 2): “My visit to GMCH Hospital was an insightful journey into the marvels of human anatomy. The CPR training emphasized the precision needed to save lives in emergencies while highlighting the importance of accurate diagnosis. The organ displays provided a vivid understanding of how the disease affects different organs, from an enlarged spleen to a blackened smoker’s lungs. This immersive experience deepened my appreciation for the complexities and vulnerabilities of the human body.”

Ms. Jolly Raizada (Educator): “Witnessing our students’ excitement and curiosity during this excursion to GMCH was rewarding. They were eager to absorb knowledge, ask questions, and practice their skills. The hands-on activities reinforced theoretical concepts in a way that textbooks alone can’t achieve, making it an unforgettable learning experience.”

Suhail Ahmad(Class 11 C): Our workshop visit to GMCH was incredibly fulfilling and served to quell our curiosity. Some moments in life reveal important truths, and the hours spent there will remain firmly etched in my memory. Holding a human heart was extraordinary. The lectures on mental health and the life- saving CPR training made the day incredibly worthwhile.

Harshinee (Class 11): Learning about human anatomy through real organs was enlightening. The GMCH students shared valuable insights about the structures. Seeing a brain with black spots due to a stroke made me reflect on the lives of those who donated their organs. This experience will stay with me forever.

Shimona Sharma (Class 11 A): Holding real human organs for the first time was fascinating. They appeared larger and different than in textbooks. Handling organs like the liver, kidneys, and lungs made me feel immense respect and gratitude for those who donated them. The visit was insightful, and I look forward to more educational excursions that extend learning beyond the classroom.

(Article credited to Kiruba Chaudhry, Class 11C)

Strawberry Fields High School