Fostering Lasting Peace through Education: A Deep Dive into UNESCO’s Recommendation on the International Day of Education

February 2, 2024

In the pursuit of global harmony and sustainable development, education plays a pivotal role. UNESCO, as a leading advocate for education, has put forth a comprehensive set of recommendations on Education for Peace, Human Rights, and Sustainable Development. Commemorating the International Day of Education on 24 January 2024, students of the IB diploma program engaged in activities to celebrate and internalize the theme of “learning for lasting peace.”

To reinforce the understanding of this theme, a group activity was proposed for students after they acquainted themselves with the UNESCO Recommendation and the IB mission statement. The Creative Expression activity, encompassing mediums such as raps, skits, and infographics, not only facilitated the internalization of concepts but also encouraged participants to think critically and express their insights in a creative manner.

During the presentation phase, each group shared their creations with the class, fostering a sense of collaboration and a shared commitment to the ideals of peace, human rights, and sustainable development. This interactive approach not only deepened comprehension but also promoted a dynamic exchange of perspectives among the students.

Strawberry Fields High School