ICSE Junior Science Symposium 2019-20

December 17, 2019

The Annual ICSE Junior Science Symposium, an interactive meeting of little Science enthusiasts from Classes 3, 4 and 5, was held on Tuesday, 19 November 2019 in the school premises. Students from eight schools of the Chandigarh region participated in the competition.

The students of Class 3 participated in Sci-phenom, an elocution competition in which any 3 scientific phenomenon that take place in our everyday life were explained. The children were judged on oration, pronunciation, clarity, delivery and diction. Sidharth Singh (3A) and Gobind Singh (3D) won the 1st prize in the category.

The Clickity Sticks was open to participants from Class 4 who were to assemble and present a working model using sticks (ice cream sticks, skew sticks, tooth pics, etc.) as the prime resource along with other required material. Hamir Dev Sindharh (4A) and Abhir Manan Aggarwal (4D) actively participated in the event winning the 2nd position in the category.

Sci-Q was a Science Quiz for students of Class 5. Abir Garg (5D) and Shaurya Goyal (5E) won the 2nd position after challenging themselves in the nail biting event.

Strawberry Fields High School