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May 22, 2022 Asian Junior Masters 2022 A champion in the making!Basil Singal of Class 5B participated in the Asian Junior Masters 2022 held at the Blue Canyon Golf and  Country  Club  in  Phuket,  Thailand from 29 April to 1 May 2022.Basil was declared First Runner up in his category, Boy Junior Youth Team.We congratulate Basil for his achievement and wish him the best of luck in all his future endeavours! Read More
May 20, 2022 FARM TO FOLK Mulling over issues confronting development and the spiralling financial misfortunes that plague impoverished rural farmers, Soham Modi, a student of class 12-C, created “Farm-to-Folk” a platform which serves to create a direct medium of exchange between the farmer and the customer, eliminating the middleman in the process. The farmers are able to register through the app or website and track their orders through it while the consumers can purchase directly through the app or the website. Consequently, farmers can sell their crops at a better price to the buyers directly without the hassle of intervening parties. However, the higher rates charged by the farmers are still significantly lesser than those charged by the middlemen. This works optimally- raising the income for the farmer and reducing the cost for the buyer, thus resulting in a win-win situation. Moreover, the consumers get fresher produce that is not hoarded in warehouses where it can go stale or get contaminated. This service makes use of the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna (PMKVY) to educate the farmers on the necessary skills needed to operate the app.   Read More
April 29, 2022 Winner of the Social Media for Global Good Forum held by the Global Education Destinations Organisation In a recent global forum titled "Social Media for Global Good Forum" held by the Global Education Destinations Organisation, a member of the Buddies Without Borders (BWB) club and a student of IBDP Year 2, Rushil Doger, won first place along with two teammates: Sofia Garcia Diez from Spain and Kingston Yu from Taiwan.Rushil's team claimed the top spot in the forum with their innovative solution for the agenda of the forum by creating an app. His team won an internship opportunity funded by Microsoft and Starbucks through Global Education Destinations. In the past, forum winners have been working with nations with a disturbed economy or an unstable national state and used the funds provided by the two sponsors to make significant local changes. Rushil will begin his internship in September while the opportunity prepares itself for him to work on and he is quite eagerly waiting after having seen the work of previous teenage interns.Rushil on his experience in the forum: "The forum was an absolute delight considering it was an opportunity to meet people from around the world and share our views with no barriers at all. It was a think- tank for teens where no views were barred and everyone's effort was appreciated. It was surprising to see how motivated my team was. Everyone was extremely focused and so positively reinforcing that I never felt I was being undermined in the team effort or if I was doing too much work. Both of my teammates were happy to lead and be led, take on as much work as can be assigned as well as ask for help wherever needed. I learned the importance of team-work, acceptance of differences and effective communication. Working with people from different cultures and even listening to the ones belonging to other teams was eye-opening as everyone had a completely different view on an issue despite the fact that majority of our values were similar. It was as if we were as like-minded as mirror personalities but somehow different just as twins are. I am quite thankful for the opportunity and the experience which is not only to be cherished but also to be learned from."The Experience is the prize, or is it? While we have heard many individuals speak out about how the experience in life is the prize, there is no harm in accepting a reward for some hard work done right.  Being the first forum winner from our school and the next BWB president succeeding Yuvraj Dhir, Rushil is sure to have some valuable grassroot experience up his sleeve. We are delighted to announce that the applications for the next forum will be open shortly and we encourage you to be a part of the BWB club and participate. The doors to the club are open once again, so do not miss the opportunity of holding future Local action projects like "Pink Week" in school and being a part of the platforms that uplift our communities.For any queries regarding club and forum admissions contact: Yuvraj Dhir (club president) OR Rushil Doger Read More
April 27, 2022 World Language Day Celebrated at SFHS The English Team celebrated World English Language Day in school on 22 April, 2022.April 23 marks the UN English Language Day which is observed to spread awareness and respect for the history, culture and achievements of each of the six UN working languages. Furthermore, it is also known for both the birthday and date of death of world-famous playwright William Shakespeare.A Bulletin Board in the HS corridor displayed snippets that explained the relevance of the day.During Club Time, the students were treated to a PowerPoint presentation that provided further information on the day. The students were happy to learn that several commonly used phrases that add  colour to the language are  attributable to Shakespeare and ever so relevant even  400 years on.The prophecy of his great contemporary, the poet and dramatist Ben Jonson, that Shakespeare “was not of an age, but for all time,” has been fulfilled.  Read More
April 27, 2022 Second Runner Up in Vocab-O-pedia – A National Level Event Our young learners did us proud with their performance during the National Level online Inter School Vocabulary Competition, Vocabo-O-Pedia held in February 2022, organised by Jayshree Periwal Global School, Jaipur. All participants from SFHS from Class 3, 4 and 5 went on to clear the 5 preliminary round faring well in all  and outshone in the following Rapid Fire round; where in Nadar Toor  and Vivaan Chaudhary from Class 4  were invited to participate. They went on to answer 6 out of the 7 questions in one minute and Nadar Toor bagged the 2nd Runners Up position and Vivaan Chaudhary secured a consolation prize.The participants were:Class 3 - Aahana Singh, Utkarsh Bansal,Rishaan Jhanjhi, Swara Trehan, Parth Malhotra and Siyona Goyal.Class 4 - Akshaj Gupta, Nadar Toor, Abir Singh, Bhavya Jain, Miraya Modi and Vivaan ChaudharyClass 5 – Gobind Singh, Aryaman Kukreja, Namrata Lakshmi Goyal, Vihaan Kraj Guleria, Ayaan Mahajan, Read More
April 27, 2022 World Earth Day celebrations in JS The World Earth Day was celebrated by way of a sing along assembly. The excitement carried on for the entire week preceding the event. Students of Grade 4 came up with a musical ensemble to spread awareness about the need for conservation of the Earth. Anandita Rao delivered a speech on the importance of the Earth Day and how it is celebrated around the world. This was followed by Divina reciting a self-written poem on protecting our Planet. Riya added to the audience’s understanding through her Hindi poem addressing the importance of afforestation, planting more trees and keeping our Earth clean and green. Children tied the event together with singing songs in unison and took a pledge to safeguard their Planet and Mother Nature. Read More
April 26, 2022 EARTH DAY CELEBRATIONS AT SFHS For the past 50 years, billions of people around the globe have come together every year on the 22nd of April to celebrate Earth Day with the aim of promoting awareness around the declining health of our environment.Traditionally every year at SFHS on Earth Day, we go out to plant trees, partake in climate strikes, organize webinars, talks and discussions. However, this year we decided to support our planet by participating in a global movement # SAVE SOIL #We did so through the means of music and dance along with the dance club students taking on the Soil Dance challenge. Furthermore, the Ecological club organised a quiz on Soil, with the winner (Jaiveer Singh, XII) receiving an environment friendly potted plant as the prize.Save Soil is a global movement launched by Sadhguru,(yogi, mystic and a visionary) to address the soil crisis by bringing together people from around the world to stand up for soil health and help support the leaders of all nations to institute national policies and actions toward increasing the organic content in cultivable soil. Read More
April 25, 2022 World Earth Day Earth Day was observed on 22 April, 2022 within the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme at SFHS, Chandigarh. The students of IBDP actively participated in the integrated activity between Group 1, Group 4 and Theory of Knowledge. This initiative was a small endeavour to sensitise our students to global issues and engage them in creative and critical thinking.The students were given a letter written by Mother Earth proclaiming her demands from humans with regard to the preservation of the planet. Students wrote a response to Earth about her feelings and accusations using one RLS (Real Life Situation) to defend their claims. They used the technology medium, Padlet, to express their thoughts. After submitting their responses on Padlet, they read their classmates’ responses and discussed the following question:  ‘Did others’ perspectives change their perspective in any way?’ Students effectively shared their ideas on each other’s responses about the issues. This activity further extended the link to the TOK framework and key concept of Perspective, where students were asked to write their journal entry on the knowledge question: “Is an understanding of the perspective of other knowers essential in the pursuit of knowledge?Overall, this interdisciplinary activity on Earth Day motivated students to engage in environmentally-conscious practices. Read More
April 18, 2022 World Book Day Celebrations!

Excitement and intrigue! What exactly was going on in the school library today?

The children were pleasantly surprised with the wide array of interesting games and activities that kicked off the World Book Day celebrations with a different challenge designed for each age group!

Class 1 had to gather as pile up as many books as possible in alphabetical order, Class 2 went on a genre hunt and posed proudly with their precious finds, while Class 3 were challenged to try their hand at story telling with props! Class 6 went a step further where They were given story prompts slips and had to write the story starting from the particular sentence of the prompt chosen.

It’s been a busy morning in the library, as children learned to love their books!

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Strawberry Fields High School