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March 12, 2022 Closing Day for the Class of 2022: Today was a special day, as we bade farewell to the graduating batch of 2022. The grounds, corridors and classrooms of the school were witness to mixed emotions, those of joy and excitement coupled with a tinge of sadness and nostalgia as the students of class 12 spent their last day in school before the Board examination.Closing Day, began in a spirited manner, with a ‘treasure hunt’ organised by the Student Council.  The hunt took the eager 12th graders on a journey around the school, where they reminisced and roamed freely, one final time. After searching every nook and cranny possible, the ‘Pink team’ led by the school captain, Aadya Batra, emerged victorious, claiming the victory hamper. Afterwards, the students of grades 11 and 12 assembled in the Newton Hall where the graduating batch was felicitated. Student speeches followed, wherein the passing out batch took to the podium, reliving old memories and remembering how they had grown up within the very walls of the school.A long, emotional, two hours later, the graduation ceremony came to an end. Many hugs and tears were exchanged among the students as they bade farewell to each other, to embark on a new chapter of life. Read More
February 25, 2022 Library Activities Fun activities are an integral part of the SFHS library. Children enjoyed the story cube activity today. The session was designed keeping in mind the newer ways to expand their imagination and enhance spontaneity .The library was filled with their wittiness and laughter. It was indeed an enjoyable time .The little ones from kindergarten had a fun filled time at the library today. THE BOOK HUNT was organised for them, they were given hints and they had to search for the books. They were overjoyed and enthusiastically took part in the activity. Read More
February 18, 2022 Creatively and Safely Surfing to Victory CIET-NCERT in collaboration with Cyber Peace Foundation organized eRaksha Competition 2021 to provide a creative and important outlet for children and young people who are currently confined at home due to Covid-19 pandemic, to reflect and share about being safe and responsible on the Internet. Siddhartha Jain a student of class 8, won the Art Cade Competition by exhibiting his exceptional artistic skills to enunciate his understanding on Online Safety.We are proud of your achievement Siddhartha, Best of luck for the future endeavours!  Read More
February 15, 2022 Immerse Education Essay Winner – Gurzahn Singh Virdi Gurzahn Singh Virdi, a student of Grade 8, has won a scholarship of 20% to take part in summer programs at Oxford, Cambridge and LSE through the Immerse Education Essay Competition 2022.The Immerse Education Essay Competition provides students aged between 13 and 18 with the opportunity to submit essays related to their chosen subject. Gurzahn wrote an essay on his favourite architect. He did a wonderful job of capturing the essence of Le Corbusier and his legacy.Gurzahn’s words depicted Corbusier’s work in a manner which made his essay stand out from the others. We are proud of your achievement, Gurzahn. Best of luck for all future endeavours! Who is your favourite architect?My favourite architect is Le Corbusier and I am fortunate to have been born and brought up in Chandigarh, a great city planned and designed by him. Among the twentieth century’s great architects like Frank Lloyd Wright, Walter Gropius, Mies van der Rohe, Louis Kahn and Antoni Gaudí , Le Corbusier is, indeed, the greatest, in my considered opinion. An indefatigable many-splendoured genius, his creativity was as prodigious as it was versatile. Had he so desired he would have been as great a painter as Picasso or as great a sculptor as Henry Moore, but he chose architecture and revolutionized it throughout the world (Bhatti , 2020).Born on October 6,1887 as Charles -Édouard Jeanneret ,he was a Swiss -French architect. Le Corbusier’s  theory of architecture was multifaceted. In his book  Vers Une Architecture  he says, “Architecture is a thing of art, a phenomenon of the emotions, lying outside questions of construction and beyond them. The purpose of construction is to make things hold together; of architecture to move us. Architectural emotion exists when the work rings within us in tune with a universe whose laws we obey, recognise and respect” (Le Corbusier,1923). In the course of his work as an architect, Le Corbusier developed a series of architectural principles, which he used as the basis of his designs. The five points included Pilotis (columns), roof garden, free plan, free façade and ribbon windows. In 1918 , with the help of the artist Amédée Ozenfant, Le Corbusier adopted  painting with the use of oils. Together they developed the Purism movement and  collaborated on the book Après Le Cubisme. Alongside poet Paul Dermée, he founded the magazine L’Esprit Nouveau with its main subject matter being the arguable relation between art and industrial society (Choay, 2021).Thus he was a gifted architect, provocative writer, divisive town planner ,talented painter and unparalleled polemicist (Rory,2019). His career spanned five decades and he designed buildings throughout the world especially in Europe, Japan, India, North and South America. He was a founding member of the Congrès Internationaux d' Architecture Moderne (CIAM). It is due to his remarkable designs that many scholars consider him as the father of modern architecture.Le Corbusier declared: “Town Planning expresses the life of an era. Architecture reveals its spirit.” Through a town plan he sought to combine a new order with economy, health, rationality and clarity—so that Sun, Space, and Verdure could become the prized heritage of every citizen. In championing such a significant cause of the humankind, Le Corbusier went far beyond his “Mastery of Form” to become the twentieth century’s most versatile creative artist since the advent of the Quattro-cento Masters of the Italian Renaissance.The crowning feature of his truly exceptional diversity of interests, insights and skills was his abiding concern for the human condition, which eventually led him “to rediscover man who had become lost in the frenetic development of technique.” He has left an unparalleled legacy of more than 32,000 architectural and urbanistic drawings and plans, 400 projects, some 300 paintings, more than 7000 drawings, illustrated books, lithographs, engravings, works in enamel, tapestries and furniture (Bhatti,2020) .His work continues to be studied, criticized and reinterpreted today , gaining new meanings and influencing generations to come ( Catarina,2017).BIBLIOGRAPHYBhatti S.S. “The Unforgettable Corbusier ”, Surfaces Reporter , 5 October 2020,https://www.surfacesreporter.comCatarina Flaksman, Peter Clericuzio. "Le Corbusier: Artist Overview and Analysis". [Internet].,17 April2017,, Françoise. "Le Corbusier"Encyclopedia Britannica, 23 Dec. 2021, Corbusier.”Towards a New Architecture” Dover Publications,Inc., New York, 1986 ,Reprint .Originally published:London:J.Rodker,1931Rebecca Bates.” Le Corbusier’s Most Significant Projects” Architectural Digest,September 30,2014.https://www.architecturaldigest.comRory Stott .”Spotlight : Le Corbusier” Architecture News,ArchDaily,6 October2019, Read More
February 15, 2022 Immerse Education Essay Winner – Iram Pannu Iram Pannu, a student of Grade 8, has won a scholarship of 20% to take part in summer programs at Oxford, Cambridge and LSE through the Immerse Education Essay Competition 2022.The Immerse Education Essay Competition provides students aged between 13 and 18 with the opportunity to submit essays related to their chosen subject. Iram presented her essay on the topic ‘Romance’. She did a wonderful job of capturing the essence of the Romance genre and what it means to everyone.Iram’s words depicted Romance differently amongst her competitors and pushed her to win. We are proud of your achievement, Iram. Best of luck for all future endeavours! Romance“Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove: O no; it is an ever-fixed mark, That looks on tempests, and is never shaken;” - Shakespeare, Sonnet 116 Romance, a genre which has never failed to make my heart aflutter. The theme tugs at vulnerable  hearts. Love, the word itself makes us feel an emotion, that some are desperately trying to find while  some don’t want to believe in it’s existence. It tempts inquisitive teenagers along with wise adults  with its overwhelming clichés and makes them believe that love is the most beautiful thing that one  can experience.Romance can be found in the deepest corner of a library, where only the hopeless romantics look, for  a new journey down the rocky road of love to make their heart skip a beat. Even the most intellectual  minds find themselves turned towards the calling of romance. Romance stirs something deep inside us  which is not in our control.Romance pulls us into a fairy tale, where we observe the love shared between two individuals. As we  observe their growing admiration towards one another, we start to get emotionally connected to the  characters and we hope to find love, the love which is in a romance novel.Romance, as a genre, lets us be in a character’s shoes as we feel their extreme emotions take over us.  It lets us empathise with the characters in their most difficult times and makes us celebrate in their  happiest. Although, this is applicable for all genres, romance has much more to offer and one of those  things is an assured happy ending. Happy endings have always seemed to reassure me that the love  between the main leads is eternal, which makes it easier for oneself to connect to the characters. We  understand them and put ourselves in their situation just to feel their happiness and their pain.One of the greatest examples of eternal love is the love between Heathcliff and Catherine from Wuthering Height, by Emily Brontë. The love between Heathcliff and Catherine was so passionate  that it destroyed the others around them. Catherine had a lot of pride due to which she tried to forget  her love for Heathcliff and married Edgar Linton. But, her love for Heathcliff was much more than  her pride. Though she was married to Edgar, she knew that she could never love him as much as she  loved Heathcliff. Heathcliff never gave up on his love. One thing that never failed to surprise me was  his faith in his love for Catherine.There are countless people who assume that romance is mainly based on physical affection, but,  romance is so much more. It’s about the emotional bond that a reader and the characters share. It’s  more about the people and their emotions than the physical display of affection. Romance teaches us  that love has no religion, caste or sex and that everyone has the right to love and be loved.In conclusion to this, romance gives an encouraging and important message, which is that everyone  deserves to be loved. It teaches us compassion and brings us together in a way that no other genre can. Read More
February 9, 2022 HeForShe Campaign Launch The Gender Club at Strawberry Fields High School organised a momentous event- the launch of the HeforShe campaign. Launched in 2014 by UN Women with Emma Watson and Farhan Akhtar as ambassadors, and later in India by Menaka Gandhi, HeforShe is an international campaign that aims to create a bold and united front for gender equality. Heforshe is a campaign that has taken the world by storm, right from its inception in 2014. Originally created from a very simple idea, to engage men in the gender equality conversation, HeforShe evolves as the spectrum of gender and identity evolves; an inclusive movement that is not bound or defined by gender but rather a platform on which individuals are empowered to become agents of change in their own unique way to advance equality.Seventy four years of independence and hundreds of legislations, schemes and programmes later ,  there are homes and schools in India  where girls and women are subjected to inequality ,discrimination and violence on a routine basis; so much so that it is a way of life for them. Women in such households do not question institutionalised discrimination. Not only are women affected by patriarchy, but there are men and gender-non-confirming persons, who face bias and prejudice in their day-to-day life. It's time to stop defining gender equality movement as a battle between the genders, and see it as  a collective front to ensure that everyone gets equal rights and opportunities, regardless of their sex or gender  identity.To facilitate the event and to officially launch the campaign at Strawberry Fields High School, we had with us Ms. Gul Panag, an actor, aviator and entrepreneur, who  has broken multiple gender stereotypes and  worked for gender equality in a variety of fields. We were indeed pleased to have her as the key speaker.Ms.Panag initiated  the conversation around gender inequality  by sharing experiences from her own life that led her to  identify gender role stereotypes and thus, consequentially question them. The first pertinent aspect is to move away from the traditional roles assigned to males and females and let individuals choose what they wish to be.  This also applies to schools and educational institutions at large. For instance, girls are typically not expected to choose subjects like mathematics and sciences, which largely remain male-dominated. Secondly, families must not confer or ascribe stereotypical identities upon their children. It could be as simple as making  choice of vehicle that the girls in their family want to drive. Ms. Panag was always inlined toward motorcycles as compared to the gearless scooters. Although she could make a choice for herself, there are many girls who do not get to make  simple choices like this one in their lifetime. Thirdly, patriarchy affects men as well, for they are pressurised to be the breadwinners, earners and providers of the family. It limits their capabilities by restricting men to a certain idea of masculinity. A central aspect of her discussion focused on the role of dialogue, discussion and debate which is the key to bring change. We must continue to work at this cause to be able to see a shift. Each of us can make a difference and is an influencer in our own unique ay and must therefore, use every platform to deliberate on issue of inequality. Finally, we must consider that change can also be brought with  firm and subtle actions, and does not necessarily depend on rebellion and aggressive stance.  After sharing her insightful perspectives, the speaker answered questions posed by the students. While answering questions about gender inequality in the entertainment industry, Ms. Panag expressed that cinema or art is reflection of a particular society and just as the society is essentially patriarchal, movies are male-centric. Films that have a gender-neutral or masculine characters gather wide audiences as compared to ones that have female lead characters. As a result, there is a huge pay gap in the industry as well, which again is not questioned by many female actors.The school Principal, Ms. Sangeeta Sekhon appreciated the efforts undertaken by The Gender club and acknowledged the need to increase awareness regarding such issues through discussions and dialogue. Accordingly, the young generation is the torch  bearer of this change as they encourage adults to not settle into their existing experiences and conditioning.  The Principal also extended her gratitude  and highlighted some key points given by the speaker.Overall, the session was an enriching and interactive one. To culminate the event, the Secretary  of the club encouraged the students to take this campaign forward, by registering for the HeforShe campaign and commit to it by filling  out a google form, the link to which was shared simultaneously. Read More
February 8, 2022 Immerse Education Essay Winner – Anay Gupta Anay Gupta, a student of Grade 10, has won a partial scholarship of 10% to take part in summer programs at Oxford, Cambridge and LSE through the Immerse Education Essay Competition 2022.The Immerse Education Essay Competition provides students aged between 13 and 18 with the opportunity to submit essays related to their chosen subject. Anay presented his essay with ‘Do humans own their own genetic information?’ as the prompt.Anay’s essay stood out amongst the other entries by bringing forward well formulated and clearly expressed thoughts on his chosen subject. We are proud of your achievement, Anay. Best of luck for all future endeavours! IMMERSE ESSAY COMPETITION  Question: Do Humans own their own genetic information?Subject: BiologyAge Group: 16-18 yearsTHE ESSAY:It is accepted worldwide that apes, who lived on trees, were the modern man’s ancestors. The traits of  those precursor apes were passed on from generation-to-generation, as they kept on reproducing.  There is limited evidence on how they and the other early humans did the same, but that evidence  suggests that they, like the modern-day humans, underwent the procedure of coitus. One plaque from  the Çatalhöyük archaeological site, on its one side depicted two such prehistoric figures embracing  each other and that very plaque displayed a mother and her child on its other side. Certain variations are seen in these traits so-passed, which, in actuality are the causes of remarkable differences between  the apes and the modern man.These genetic variations are corollaries of changes within the genome – the genetic part and inter genetic spaces (chromosomes inclusive) of individuals. There can be additions and deletions of  genetic components, which can change a large segment of the DNA macromolecule. Nucleotides (recurring units of DNA) of the chromosomes passed on by the parent can undergo point mutation, in  which, a single pair of the nitrogenous bases is altered. That particular nucleotide can end up getting  deleted, or being replaced in position with another nucleotide. Inversion and Translocations of  Chromosomes are other examples of such genomic changes.An inversion occurs when a chromosome breaks in two places, after which, the resulting piece of  DNA is reversed and re-inserted into the chromosome. Genetic material may or may not be lost as a  result of the chromosomal breakage. A translocation occurs when a piece of one chromosome breaks  off and attaches to another chromosome. Unbalance during translocation can cause gain and loss of  genetic material, causing variations. These variations occur in such a manner that the progeny become  more suited for survival, and has some genetic advantage, causing human evolution to continue on the  path of life. The principle of “the survival of the fittest”, originating from the Darwin’s Theory of  Evolution, is seen. This axiom helps us to understand better how the leaf-eating primitive apes, who  lived on trees, were replaced on the planet by the modern man. It certainly states that the offspring has reproductive benefits, which in itself is responsible for mankind’s development.To sum up, we, as humans, have genetic information, which is both- partially ours and someone  else’s. We can be given the credit to be the “owners” of our own chromosomal constitution, because  the changes, to which it was subject, always take place within us. These changes are different for  every human, through which, the genetic constitution varies among each person, making him unique.  Our ancestry, though, should also relinquish the title of such “owners”, because it is their features,  which, in spite of changing almost completely, are endemic to our body.BIBLIOGRAPHY WEBSITE LINKSKu, C., Loy, E., Salim, A. et al. The discovery of human genetic variations and their use as disease  markers: past, present and future. J Hum Genet 55, 403–415 (2010). Library of Medicine 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894. U.S. Department of Health  and Human Services. National Institutes of Health. “Can changes in the structure of chromosomes  affect health and development?”. Last updated and Reviewed: 10th May 2021 National Library of Medicine 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health. “How are gene variants involved in evolution?”.  Last updated and reviewed: 5th August, 2021. Institutes of Health, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20892. U.S Department of  Health and Human Services. “Point Mutation”. 20 October,2009. DICTIONARY: Oxford University Press, Oxford University, Oxford OX1 2JD, United  Kingdom. “The Oxford English Dictionary”. 2021. Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. “How Did Humans Figure out that Sex Makes  Babies.” 10 January, 2013. reproductive-consciousness-of-the-cause-of-pregnancy.html BOOKSVishnoi, H.S; Fernandez, Mary; Srivastava, Preeti; Selina Publishers Pvt. Ltd, 4725/21-A, Dayanand  Marg, Daryaganj, New Delhi. Concise Biology Class 10- ISCE. November 2020.Oxford University. Pocket Oxford Dictionary (Eighth Edition). Oxford OX1 2JD, United Kingdom.  1984. [Address taken in from Wikipedia]YOUTUBE VIDEOSOnHow. “How To Find When a Website Was Published.” 26 June, 2021. “How to cite a Website in APA Style.” 15 January, 2016. Read More
February 8, 2022 Immerse Education Essay Winner – Ashraj Sidhu Ashraj Singh Sidhu, a student of Grade 9, has won a scholarship of 20% to take part in summer programs at Oxford, Cambridge and LSE through the Immerse Education Essay Competition 2022.The Immerse Education Essay Competition provides students aged between 13 and 18 with the opportunity to submit essays related to their chosen subject. Ashraj presented his essay with ‘Do countries need borders?’ as the prompt.Ashraj’s essay stood out amongst the other entries by bringing forward well articulated and clearly expressed thoughts on his chosen subject. We are proud of your achievement, Ashraj. Best of luck for all future endeavours! Do Countries Need Borders? “Boundaries are not walls; they're portals and you decide who comes and goes into your sacred territory.”1Borders have remained a subject of debate since time immemorial. Since the inception of the ideal of authority, borders have been attributed various disparate as well as related persona- imaginary lines essential for safety and security of residents of a certain region, unimportant demarcations which divide humankind physically as well as emotionally or even boundaries which evoke and promote nationalism as well as separatism. Some scholars have gone as far as presenting borders-international alongside domestic- redundant and insignificant, highlighting an idea of a world devoid of borders. However, such an idea can only be classified as a fantasy.Borders are one of the factors which assist the security of a nation in addition to reducing crime rate of the nation and ensuring protection of its citizens and their rights. A prime example to support this statement is the current political crisis in the nations under the Schengen Area agreements, due to rise in terrorism after influx of refugees The recent terrorist events such as 2017 Barcelona Attacks and knife attacks in various countries including France and Norway, involve immigrants directly or indirectly. This does not highlight immigrant criminal mindset as such events are also observed in other regions around the world where border laws and security is not strict. It underlines flaws in defense systems of borderless regions and the imminent threat it poses to the citizens of these regions. As expressed by European Masses2, establishment of borders in the Schengen area shall not be a display of a racist outlook against immigrants, but instead ensure well-being of the region and effective implementation of laws while ensuring all immigrants arrive legally and promise to become European in values and outlook, thus promoting a symbiotic societal framework.Closed borders are also instrumental in preventing overpopulation and rapid exhaustion of natural resources of a particular region. For example, excessive migration in the Amazon Jungle in recent years due to factors such as mining, research, industry etc. This can be prevented by enforcing stricter immigration laws and greater attention to the issue by involved nations. They also harm the working of welfare states. Migration may also lead to deterioration of cultural values of local population of a region, as observed in India over the last few centuries.Upon deep pondering, it is quite evident that open borders are not only a threat to the economic security of a nation but also political, cultural and ecological security of a country. Borders are crucial to the concept of democratization of a nation by providing security to the principles of the welfare state. Thus, in conclusion, borders do not divide people but instead provide them greater freedom and security as reflected splendidly by the following quote:“The truth is that formal borders do not create differences, they reflect it; continued attempts to erase borders are both futile and destructive.” Bibliography1Sorensen, T., 2021. Borders Quotes (125 quotes). [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 December 2021]. 2(2016). 'Why borders matter and a borderless world is a fantasy', [Web Document], Retrieved from accessed on 29 Dec 2021 Read More
February 7, 2022 Innovators’ Challenge 2021-22 Innovators’ Challenge 2021-22, an event of the High School Science Department was organized on February 2nd, 2022. This year the event was an initiative of the students wherein they were encouraged to explore scientific concepts through experiential learning. The challenge was aimed at developing an innovative mind set and testing problem solving skills. The competition was held on an online platform and the budding scientists enthusiastically participated in various phases which were held in three exhilarating rounds.

The students showcased their scientific acumen through the three main rounds, Preliminary round, Jeopardy Quiz and Scavenger Hunt.

The three winners in the Innovators’ Challenge 2022 were:

First position: Myra Sharma, Class 10D

Second Position: Namandeep Singh, Class 11C

Third Position: Tishya Gupta, Class 11C

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Strawberry Fields High School