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February 7, 2022 Climate Crisis Poster Design Competition Climate change is the defining crisis of our time and it is happening even more quickly than we feared. But we are far from powerless in the face of this global threat. As Secretary-General António Guterres pointed out in September, “the climate emergency is a race we are losing, but it is a race we can win.”

The global climate crisis is rapidly reaching a point of no return. We are running out of time, but we are not powerless in the face of this global threat.

Over the years, climate change has increased and evolved and has become more intense as the consequence of human actions.

If we don’t act now, in coming years this crisis will develop into an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control, that will most likely lead to the end of our civilisation. Every small gesture can make a difference.

We started Climate change and we have to finish it. Together we are unstoppable. It’s now or never.

All we have to do is wake up and change. Climate is changing , why aren’t we?

In order to create awareness to mitigate climate change the Ecological Club organised a poster design competition.

The following climate crusaders came out with innovative ideas:

Grade 9 - Mehr Sidhu and Harvir Swani

Grade 10 - Anaiya Jhingan and Avisha Chaudhry

Grade 11 - Nikhil Krishan and Vernika Kundra

Grade 12 - Mirha Grewal and Surina Saini

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February 4, 2022 All Genders Complete the Puzzle tGELF(The Global Education and Leadership Foundation) hosted the “The Magic with colours: Art for voice Competition 2021” on 27th November, 2021. Students were asked to send their artwork which conveyed an important social message. Mihira Maini, a student of Class 8, was shortlisted for the same based on the art work submitted by her (shown above). All finalists were asked to make an oral presentation on how they came up with the concept of their painting and the message they wanted to convey through it.Beginning with American activist Audre Lorde’s quote, “It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept and celebrate those differences”, Mihira made an impactful speech which not only won the judges over but also helped her win the popular choice award. It gives us great pride and joy to note that she also won a cash prize from the foundation. Read More
February 4, 2022 Vasant Valley Speaker’s Forum 2022 Ismat Kaur Sukhija, Lehnaaz Rana and Kavyam Khanna, students of grade 9, represented the school in the Vasant Valley Speaker’s forum 2022. It was a series of literary events which included a Book Discussion, Turn-coat debate and writing and performing of Slam Poetry, wherein more than 20 schools from across the country participated. We are very proud to announce that Ismat Kaur Sukhija not only won the second prize in the Slam poetry writing and performing Competition but also received a special mention by the judges who applauded the appropriateness of her language and theme. Her Slam Poem titled ‘Dear Future me’- note to her future self, was very well received. The event was conducted online and was an extremely enriching and insightful journey for the students. Read More
February 2, 2022 Articulate – Middle School Newsletter The School programme at Strawberry Fields High School is premised on the belief that there is an intimate relationship between interpreting art and making art. Through our art practice and literary evidence we explore possibilities for teaching interpretation through meaning making in visual arts."We see be  ore we speak "  says John Berger.The artwork of contemporary visual artists is as much defined by their ideas as by their medium. The debates around the value and character of interpretation are familiar to the language and practice of contemporary Art as well as the disciplines of art history and art criticism, it's time we find its place in our school art and design curriculum.Through artworks produced by the students we seek to view multiple interpretations and give meaning to image making through exploration, research and expression. Articulate aims to provide teachers across disciplines as well as the students with an opportunity to develop confidence in working with art as a teaching and learning resource.So without further ado,Let s' Articulate! Read More
February 1, 2022 Immerse Education Essay Winner Praanjal Singh Sinver, a student of Grade 9, brought laurels to our school by winning a 20% scholarship for summer programs at Oxford, Cambridge and LSE through the Immerse Education Essay Competition.The Immerse Education Essay Competition provides students aged between 13 and 18 with the opportunity to submit essays related to their chosen subject. Praanjal presented her essay on ‘Female Future Leaders’ where she expressed her thoughts on the challenges faced by today’s women in leadership roles.Praanjal’s essay stood out amongst the other entries by bringing forward well formulated and clearly expressed thoughts on her chosen subject. We are proud of your achievement, Praanjal. Best of luck for all future endeavours! SUBJECT: Female Future LeadersTOPIC: What are the challenges faced by  today’s women in leadership roles?For centuries, the woman has been relegated to posts such as being a ‘housewife’, a ‘caretaker’ of the  family and she has never been treated as somebody in the field of action in the real world, where she  does the same laborious jobs as males and gets the due credit. But, over the years evolution happened,  societies became broad-minded and today women are gaining prominence in the world of leadership,  such as entrepreneurship, political leadership, sports team leader etc.When we move forward with the times, gender discrimination has not left the society, which prevails  to be one of the most pressing challenges faced by women today in leadership roles, women have been  in leadership positions for a long time but they are yet to get their due credit, male employees believe  that women lack the “authority” or the “assertiveness” to take on an extremely important responsibility;  certain studies show that the people from all countries are still not quite comfortable with women  leading and they choose to spread hate and defame them, with the simple reason being that sexism and  male chauvinism brought this out of them. These reasons are at the basis of the issues that have arisen  for female leaders, and while many are aware that they are biased, they refuse to acknowledge  it. Another problem that arises for women leaders is the management of many roles. Women are more  likely than men to leave their jobs to raise families; It shouldn't be a choice between a child and a career; it is difficult for a woman to reclaim power and influence as a leader once she has been out of the  workforce for a spell.According to a recent study, even in countries with lengthy histories of female leadership much of the  public remains adamantly opposed to the idea of women in power. The Reykjavik Index1measures female leadership views of the G7 countries and others during 2020 to 2021, the survey had Its recent  poll consisting of over 20,000 adults and yielded some unexpected and disappointing results; the survey  revealed that only 38% of the people were open to the idea of having a woman as the head of a  government or the CEO of a company. Despite Angela Merkel's long tenure as a chancellor, only 41%  of Germans indicated they felt comfortable having a woman at the helm of government. Maia Sandu  made history by becoming Moldova's first female president, Kamala Harris became the first woman  Vice President of USA; though they reached their dream positions they were no exception and had gone  through the immense struggle.Despite the reality that these circumstances will persist and torment, women must be applauded for their  indomitable spirit to prove themselves in different roles, our past culture has a significant impact on our  present societal values, there is a gradual change in men’s perception of women and I am sure gender  disparity will fade away soon and many more miracles can be experienced by women.BIBLIOGRAPHY:
  1. BBC. Equality matters/how we work, Why do we still distrust women leaders by Christine Ro. 2021. 15 Jan 2021.
[ / last accessed: 1st Jan 2022]
  1. Catalyst. Workplaces that work for women, 10 Big Issues Women Face at Work and What Leaders Can Do to Help (Blog Post). 2017. 19 Jan 2017.
[ leaders-can-do-to-help/ last accessed: 23rd December 2021]
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January 24, 2022 SFHS PDC 2022 “Find what you’re good at and see how that can help you follow your passions.”Dr. Shivi Sharma, Physician and Asst. Professor - Clinical Medicine at Yale University, graced us with his presence as the Keynote Speaker for the SFHS PDC 2022. He shared his advice about cashing in on the opportunities that come our way and focusing on what we are good at. He gave us a glimpse into his life and the adventures that he has undertaken.He shared his recent experience in Antarctica, where he met a glacierologist who was passionate about the environment, but still had to take tourists around the continent during the summer, to pay his bills. The lesson to takeaway was that one has to strike a balance between what one wants to do and what one needs to do. His wise words had a profound impact on us all.The event was kickstarted by a Training Session conducted by a distinguished team of Adjudicators,  from the esteemed, Punjab Engineering College. This was followed by a mock debate demonstrated by a team of students from Strawberry Fields High School. The topic under debate was whether procedures to alter one’s racial appearance should be banned or not. The participants had their doubts cleared and also gained insights into the format of a PDC. It was an interesting and informative session indeed.The second day of our debate championship was driven by the power of thoughts and voicing different perspectives on topics like healthcare and international agreements related to climate change.With an eclectic mix of debaters, 4 exemplary rounds were conducted and 16 teams for day 3, qualified out of the 68 teams that participated today. This journey of connecting, communicating, presenting and mediating tough situations, is a great learning for young minds across the country.The third day consisted of octa finals, quarter finals, semi finals and finals. The last round was narrowed down to CJC v/s DPS and CJC nabbed the first place.For the Closing Ceremony our Keynote Speaker was Mr. Tejveer Singh, IAS and Principal Secretary to the Government of Punjab. His dedication to his work and love for the nation makes him an inspiration to all of us. A policymaker like no other, his efforts have improved the lives of many. We were honoured to have him share his thoughts with us. He encouraged us to remain committed to topical and relevant issues prevailing in the world. He stressed upon the concept of debate being to crush our opponent’s arguments and not our opponents. He also recalled taking part in a debating event as a student and reflected upon all the lessons that experience taught him. His valuable advice will stay with us forever.We, at Strawberry Fields High School, have aspired to make the participation of passionate debaters from schools across the country in our parliamentary debate championship a rewarding and enriching experience. It was an absolute honour to host this event. Tanya Gupta, Aaditya Sharma and Hiranya Bhushan Gakhar. Read More
January 21, 2022 Gender Identity webinar "It is time that we all see gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals.”-Emma WatsonTaking a progressive step to propagate the idea of inclusivity and initiate a meaningful conversation  about diverse groups,  the Gender Club of Strawberry Fields High School organised a webinar on Gender identity, an issue that has not appeared at the surface of many discussions and forums, till recently. The event was graced by two eminent speakers, who have not only contributed greatly to their area of specialisation but also possess great power and capacity to transform the social landscape at large.We had with us , Ms. Rainuka Dagar, an internationally acknowledged  research professional, who is  an alumnus of the Advanced International Programme on Conflict Resolution (PACS) Uppsala University, Sweden. Prof. Rainuka has researched extensively on gender inequalities and gender based violence, empirically examining the politics of gender constructs.  We were also joined by  Ms.  Deepti Gupta, an esteemed Professor at the  Department of English and  Cultural studies , Panjab University. With a teaching experience of over 36 years, ma’am has worked with more than twenty universities on their curriculum redesign.Ms. Deepti Gupta  initiated the conversation by providing clarity on the fundamental  differences between sex, gender and gender identity. Firstly, while sex is  a biological construct ,gender is largely a social construct; and gender identity is a person’s sense of who they are. Secondly, it is pertinent that we understand Gender as a spectrum rather than as a set of two binaries. She gave us an insight into the historical perspective as well. Many of the old Hindu temples depict sculptures and pictures of persons with  preference for the same sex. This kind of temple art can also be seen in the monastic Ajanta and Ellora caves in Maharashtra. She further developed the themes by throwing light on the role  of literature and portrayal of transgenders in the writings of eminent authors around the world. Literary works depict every individual as they are and as having experiences emotions just like a person whose biological sex aligns with their sense of who they are. It does not disregard a person because of their identity. Finally at present, the increasing use of gender pronouns at workplaces and organisation is indicative of inclusivity but we must also consider ensuring   equality, representation  and dignity to  people whose identity does not conform with their biological sex.Ms. Rainuka highlighted central aspects surrounding gender identity and neutrality. To begin with, she  informed  the audience to understand the range of the collective identities like sex, caste, religion etc. , to examine  the issue of  gender identity in India. Additionally, we must understand the interplay between host of other gender -related issues faced by men and women and issues relating to gender identity, to get a complete  picture of the issue at hand. Prof. Rainuka  also  provided an account of legislations and discussed the role of judiciary in recognising the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community in this regard. An interesting point of her deliberation included emphasis on cultural variations regarding gender identity and expression. Sweden, for example, has gender neutral washrooms  and has  recently enacted a law to provide  legality to  sex- change. Finally, it is crucial to pay attention to social and psychological aspects related to gender identity particularly, abuse, violence  and  dysphoria.Both the speakers provided students, with a list of books and movies centred around the theme- gender identity. Following this, questions from the audience were addressed by the speakers and they were delighted to  see inquisitiveness amongst  the students.  The session concluded with the speakers emphasising  the role of youth and students in bringing the a shift towards an open-minded society . And what is required is  a platform for dialogue and  discussion about the inclusivity of people with diverse gender identities , sensitising the younger generations about the importance of respecting everyone, regardless of gender  identity or sexual orientation. Read More
January 14, 2022 CLIMATE CRISIS AWARENESS WEBINAR WITH CLIMATE ACTIVIST MS. DIYA MIRZA Climate change is the single greatest threat to a sustainable future but, at the same time, addressing the climate challenge presents a golden opportunity to promote prosperity, security and a brighter future for all.”~Ban Ki-Moon, Former Secretary-General of UNWe are the first generation to feel the impacts of climate change and the last generation who can do something about it. Climate change is real and it is taking place at alarming rates all over the world. We are inducing a sixth mass extinction event that is threatening the present as well as future of the planet, nature and humans alike.To raise awareness among the student body, Strawberry Fields High School invited the reputed and the widely celebrated Ms Dia Mirza to talk about her journey as an environmentalist, and the climate crisis. She is a successful actor, producer, the UN Environment Goodwill Ambassador and United Nations Secretary-General Advocate for Sustainable Development Goals.Ms Mirza gave us an insight into how she came to be associated with the mitigation of climate change. She took us all on a nostalgic journey with her as she reminisced her childhood, spent in the lap of nature. She expressed her concern over the fact that every natural resource around us - be it the air, water, soil or the food polluted can have negative consequences on the health of humans and the planet. Ms Mirza stressed the fact that no effort is insignificant in this war against climate change and that change starts with us.Following this, a series of questions were asked about sustainable goals, her inspiration to become an environmentalist, and how the pandemic affected the climate crisis. Ms Mirza answered all the questions wholeheartedly. She went over the sustainable development goals and provided the students with a list of 10 actions one can take to minimise their carbon footprint which included refusing single-use plastic, carrying your cutlery and water bottles, and questioning the leaders on their actions.The session concluded with a vote of thanks to Ms Dia Mirza for finding time in her busy schedule to conduct a talk about sustainability and climate change. We hope to host her at our school in better times!  Read More
January 12, 2022 Strawberry Fields High School ranked Chandigarh’s #1 Co-ed School in the Education World India School Rankings 2021-22 Congratulations! Strawberry Fields High School has been ranked Chandigarh’s #1 Co-ed Day School in the Education World India School Rankings 2021-22.For the past 14 years, Education World has been publishing the annual Education World India School Rankings (EWISR) with C fore — the well-known Delhi-based market research and opinion polls agency. They rate and rank over 2,000 of India’s most high-profile schools on 14 parameters — academic reputation, faculty competence, leadership quality, sports education, etc. Read More
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