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July 11, 2020 Strawberry Fields High School Delivers Exceptional Board Results – ICSE 2020 Dear Students, Parents and Educators,It gives me great pleasure to confirm our students’ stellar performance in this year’s ISC and ICSE results. We at Strawberry Fields have not groomed our students to produce ace percentages, grades and scores. We try and work with each student at his or her level. Our educators and academic staff handholds them in a way that they develop a winning attitude and a quest for knowledge. Conceptual grounding, discipline and rigour are part of that process. Great results are then only a very natural outcome. We applaud the top scorer’s but at the same time, we also celebrate and stand by all the other students, each of whom has something significant to put on the table. While results come once a year, learning and self assessment continues all through the year.Best wishesAtul KhannaDirector ICSE 2020 (Class 10) Top RankersClass 10 ICSE Board Exam 2019-20 results have once again made us proud of our brilliant performers who have displayed their talent, hard work and commitment along with that of their educators. With a never before remarkable 55% of students achieving more than 90% aggregate, the results are indeed heartening.Ayaan Singh Anand has received the top rank with 98.0%, followed by Iva Dhooria with 97.60% and Shivansh Kumar in third position with 97.40%.The class average of 85% by the cohort is a stupendous achievement of the students. Read More
July 11, 2020 Strawberry Fields High School Delivers Exceptional Board Results – ISC 2020 Dear Students, Parents and Educators,We are extremely blessed to find our students perform exceedingly well, even in difficult times like the one we are going through presently. Their exemplary results prove yet again the ability of the human mind and spirit to triumph all odds. Education must serve that larger purpose. Percentages and scores are byproducts of that approach. We have always maintained that every child is a winner in some unique sense and those attributes need to be acknowledged and celebrated. We at Strawberry Fields are proud of all our students especially those who scaled the peaks of success, yet again.Best wishesAtul KhannaDirector ISC 2020 (Class 12) Top RankersThe Class 12 ISC results for 2019-20 have been exciting and heartening. Our student, Mayank Jain of the Humanities stream with an astounding 97.00% takes the 1st position. The Humanities top ranker in the 2nd position is Gulnar Joson with 96.75%. In the 3rd position is Sejal Goyal with 96.50%.Abhay Mohan of the Medical stream with 94.00% is in 1st position. The Non-Medical School top rankers are Muskaan Saxena with 99.25%, followed by Sidhant Sachdeva in the 2nd position with 91.50%. In the 3rd position is Prithvi Singh Sindhu with 90.00%.The top rankers in the Commerce stream of the School are Devangad Singh with 94.25%, Rhea Mahajan in the 2nd position with 94.00% and Mahira Sood in the 3rd position with 92.50%.The class average of 84.4% in the three streams of ISC Class 12 is an exemplary performance achieved by our young scholars. Read More
July 7, 2020 SFHS IB Diploma Programme May 2020 Exam Session Results Strawberry Fields High School is proud to announce the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Examination Results of the Top Scorers for the Batch of 2020.The School's results have been extremely encouraging with an average score of 32 Points. We congratulate our students for their effort and wish them the very best. Read More
June 18, 2020 IB Diploma Programme Information Session for ICSE Students The IB Diploma Programme Information session was successfully conducted on Wednesday, 17 June, 2020 for ICSE students of the Grade 10 outgoing batch.The students were briefed about the benefits of the diploma and how it is different from the traditional curriculum. The IB DP graduating batch students -  Shreen Kang and Paramveer shared their views on how the Diploma Programme broadened their knowledge and thinking. Paramveer further added how studying Visual Art assisted him to complete his research projects in various subject. The students of IB Y2 Rayhan Lehal and Manan Kansil gave their thoughts on the core elements: Extended Essay and CAS.The school Counsellor, Ms. Nisha Kaul provided brief information on the Diploma Programme and how it is well-known throughout the world for the high quality of the coursework it offers. She further explained that doing well in one’s IB courses and earning the IB Diploma indicates to colleges that you are an objectively strong student.The educators elucidated the ways in which each subject is studied differently. They briefed the students on how earning an IB Diploma also shows you’re willing to take on special academic challenges and chosen to go beyond the typical high school curriculum to pursue a goal that asks more of you, including significant independent work on topics of your own choice.The session ended on a high note with an overview of the IB DP offerings and the rigorous pedagogical approach that it promises. Overall, the session effectively engaged the audience through its interesting format and presentation. Read More
May 29, 2020 GENDER EQUALITY FOR EVERYONE What defines a gender? How should one react when someone close to them challenges their ‘assigned gender’? What does it mean to be gender diverse? What is the line separating feminism and misandry?In this day and age, when ‘gender’ is a dominant topic of discussion in the media, such questions often arise in young minds but sadly go unanswered simply because of the lack of a safe environment for this kind of dialogue. On that note, the Strawberry Fields student body is taking steps in this direction.The student representatives in association with the school alumni (SFOSA) hosted a Webinar on 28 May titled ‘Gender Equality for Everyone’. The event was moderated by Zorawar Singh (Batch of 2017) and the panelists included Rehmat Swani (Batch of 2021), Chaharika Uppal (Batch of 2022), Kudrat Singh (Batch of 2020), Manan Kansil (Batch of 2021), Vani Jain (Batch of 2021), and Mehtab Mallhi (Batch of 2021). Dr. Rajendra Gill, a professor in the Department of Sociology at Punjab University and Ms. Charu Bali, the first female Police Commissioner of Haryana, were present as Guest Speakers and took active part in the conversation which covered a myriad of gender issues including gender inequality, stereotypes, problems faced by people who lie on the LGBTQ spectrum and sexual harassment.The main points brought out were as follows:Rehmat Swani spoke about her own experiences trying to improve the level of discourse around gender, and introduced ‘Spectrum’- a gender club, open to the students of the High School, which seeks to create awareness and increase educational efforts to tackle issues, challenge ingrained cultural stereotypes, and call out inequality.Chaharika Uppal talked about topics ranging from gender fluidity to how exposing students to the LGBTQ spectrum in a safe space could lead to the possibility of them developing a broader perspective. Additionally, she covered the disparity between men and women in media production and content.Kudrat Singh covered the normalisation of rape culture in society. She commented on media being a major factor behind the distortion of the impressionable minds of youngsters by promoting chauvinistic ideals.Manan Kansil brought out the negative repercussions of the ‘call out’ culture prevalent these days and the perils of believing every accusation put forth without checking for evidence supporting the claims. He stated that while he believes victims of sexual assault should be encouraged to speak up, one should not blindly support any baseless claims.Vani Jain and Mehtab Mallhi stated that the education of our youth on such topics is of utmost importance and cannot be delayed any further. They talked about the introduction of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) as a subject in the school curriculum. Their aim is to ensure that students learn to manage emotions, set and aspire to reach self-determined positive goals with the help of trained teachers; learn about empathy, respect and making the right decisions through SEL.The audience then put forth their questions to the Guest Speakers which led to another invigorating discussion. Zorawar Singh aptly concluded the session by saying, “We need to stand up for our fellow human beings and stop seeing through this lens of gender ”By Siya Ahuja12-B Read More
May 22, 2020 UPDATE- PRESS RELEASE REGARDING THE CONDUCT OF THE 2020 BOARD EXAMINATIONS Press Release regarding the conduct of the 2020 Board Examinations by CISCE.Click here to view PRESS RELEASE Read More
April 30, 2020 Earth Week Webinar "COVID-19: A boon for mother Earth or a bane for Mankind - What should stay and what should go?" This Earth Day, April 22, has been like no other. Live streamed discussions flooded the digital landscape, a global digital surge was evidenced and spokespersons from across the globe deliberated on the state of affairs being witnessed by the world at large. As the world battles the treacherous COVID-19 pandemic with solutions still nowhere in sight the situation is worrisome and grave. As world citizens, a blueprint for the way forward needs to be mapped by the youth – the generation that will face the aftermath of the pandemic created by coronavirus (COVID-19) most acutely. While Earth Day may have gone digital, the common goal remains the same: to mobilize the world to take the most meaningful actions to make a difference.In an effort to give every voice a platform and demand bold action for people and the planet, student representatives of the Strawberry Fields High School and its alumni (SFOSA) joined forces to put forth a bold and unified demand for a new way forward via a Webinar dedicated to this cause which was aired online on Tuesday 28 April 2020 as a part of the Earth Week initiative.Titled "COVID-19: A boon for mother Earth or a bane for Mankind - What should stay and what should go?" the webinar kicked off at 5:30 PM on 28th April, 2020 and overshot the stipulated time lasting till 7:00 PM. The event had over 70 attendees, comprising teachers, students and the alumni. The discussion was moderated by Vishesh Arora (Batch of 2017) and hosted by Mehakdeep Kaur (Bath of 2016). The panelists included Chaharika Uppal (Batch of 2022), Chaitanya Gupta (Batch of 2019), Mayank Jain (Batch of 2020), Paavna Pannu (Batch of 2022) and Zorawar Singh (Batch of 2017).The key takeaways from the session were as follows:Chaharika Uppal spoke about how the world will drastically change in terms of international relations and partnerships post the pandemic, and felt that the effects of the same may be unpredictable, and that it's still premature to say what the dynamics will be. She also talked about how misinformation can impact practices and ideas adversely, and explained how one can avoid being prey to such misinformation or fake news. She answered a question wherein she articulated how the global "power balance" will change in the post pandemic world.Mayank Jain spoke about the effects of the pandemic on the global economy, informing listeners about how this may lead to a global economic crisis, which will require huge efforts from both the public and private sector to solve completely. On the national front, he explained how migrant workers and daily wagers are the worst hit, and made a call to action for people to assist these groups in any manner possible.Paavna Pannu voiced her views on the imperative need to acknowledge the positive impact of this global crisis on nature and the environment, and also follow best possible practices to sustain this impact, post the pandemic. She also stated that dietary habits of people across the globe might be affected, talking about sanitary requirements needed in wet markets, which sell meat. She opined on the effects of paranoia and public fear regarding consumption of meat in the future. She answered questions in which she explained the need for an extended lockdown in the interest of public well-being, while also acknowledging the need for suitable investment in line with environmental benefits.Chaitanya Gupta talked about the impact of this crisis on interpersonal relationships, observing how there are adverse effects of decreased social interaction, ranging from mental health issues to increased abuse of alcohol and drugs. Chaitanya acknowledged the self healing phase of nature in the present day, and told the audience about how sustainable businesses and personal practices may help in reducing environmental damage in the future. He displayed a few infographics to provide a simplified and data supported view of the adverse effects of the virus on interpersonal relationships. He answered questions explaining the future opportunities in online business and education, emphasizing the importance of human interaction in both spheres.Zorawar Singh shared personal experiences in politics and told the audience not only about how forthcoming elections will be battled out over social media, but also explained why this trend will not be a benchmark to continue campaigns. He stated that politicians, being elected to serve society, need to be physically and mentally present in their constituencies in order to lead correctly and efficiently. He also mentioned how this crisis has demanded more actionable accountability from politicians worldwide. He stated that policies should be more sustainable and environmentally conducive to better governance. He asked for people to be apolitical during these trying times and think of the greater good, rather than vested political benefit. He answered questions in which he emphasized the need for regulation in China's wet markets. In an answer to a question, he expressed his view on the emergent need for better public health policies to be framed for the welfare of the populace.The event witnessed an invigorating and engaging discussion from all panelists with concrete and pertinent viewpoints being shared. The audience participants too posed thought-provoking questions that added increased depth to the deliberation. Overall, the webinar received a positive response and we expect to host more such events in the near future. Read More
April 23, 2020 SFOSA in Action

The Alumni, on behalf of SFOSA, comprising of Saksham Kackria, Anahita Merchant and Mehtab Teja made a contribution of Rs 50,000 to the Chandigarh Police Welfare Fund for buying sanitary pads for the underprivileged women of Dhanas Colony, this morning. They are seen handing over the letter and cheque to the DGP, Sanjay Beniwal

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Strawberry Fields High School