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November 27, 2019 Class 3 Assembly

The last seven days were all about improvising, pulling things through and putting the best foot forward for the class 3 team, as they presented the class assemblies for a much loved audience, comprising of their parents, grandparents and other members of the family.

The students showcased a part of their curriculum and staged an adaptation of the classic, ‘Sheep Pig’, which they will be covering through the course of this year. They personated various characters of the novel; sang, dance, enacted and brought the stage to life to reiterate the importance the age-old virtue of being polite!

The children went on to push themselves, bond and create meaningful moments of learning and ended with a special note, ‘Politeness costs nothing, but buys everything.’

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November 26, 2019 Action Packed Field Trip To The Botanical Garden For Class 1 Students The students of class 1 spent an action packed day out in the open, amidst different kinds flora at the Chandigarh Botanical Garden. A greater part of the day was taken up with learning about various species of plants and adding to their understanding of the ongoing theme, 'Plants' Read More
November 19, 2019 Mathematics Internal Assessment and Extended Essay Individual Guidance Session

The Diploma students of Math HL and SL and Math Studies, had individual guidance and support sessions for their internal assessments by the expert consultant from Course leap Education, Mumbai together with the Math department, on Monday,18 November 2019.

As a follow up the training sessions for both teachers and students held in September and October this year, students prepared their Exploration and Project proposals and drafts and Extended Essays drafts. A personal sessions that included one-on one feedback together with an overview of their progress was provided to further enhance the quality of the content and ideas used by the students.The teachers have been closely involved with the students and will continue to mentor and guide them in line with the sessions held in the past months.

Overall these sessions have proved to benefit, both teachers and students immensely.

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November 18, 2019 SFHS PDC 2019 Concludes on a Positive Note

The last day of the Strawberry Fields High School Parliamentary Debate Championship was an action packed one indeed. The day started off with enthusiastic participants,who were eager to compete in the quarter finals. The top four teams were chosen to compete in the semi finals. After careful discussion and deliberation, the finalists were chosen. The most awaited debate took place with the entire organising committee and participants allowed to spectate. The day ended with the prize distribution for the participants with the following - The best speaker was awarded to Ridhima Bajaj, The Runners Up position was awarded to the team from Bhavan Vidyalya Chandigarh- 1. The First position was bagged by an independent team. This was followed by the organising committee award distribution. All in all, the event was a resounding success.

By: Aanya Malik

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November 17, 2019 SFHS PDC 2019 Kicks Off
5th Edition of the SFHS PDC 2019 Kicks Off Today
The first day of the Strawberry Fields High School Parliamentary Debate Championship started off today with all hands on deck. The championship which is in its 5th year of running witnessed never ending registrations handled seamlessly by our enthusiastic team of students. The ceremony was opened with rousing speeches by the Convener and Head of Department, which was then followed by the official opening video for the event. This was followed by our very talented school band who were invited to perform on stage. They received a great applause from the audience. The Adjudicators from the Sri Ram College Of Commerce, New Delhi, laid down the guidelines for the teams and after a brief introduction to the championship, the first round of the debate commenced. Post lunch we had the second and third rounds of debates. Compilation of the results saw 16 octa finalists qualifying for the quarterfinals to be held tomorrow.
The day ended on a high note, with the winners looking forward to another exhilarating day. After a successful first day, preparations are in full swing for the finals tomorrow.
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November 16, 2019 Workshop at Infosys

Students of Strawberry Fields High School had a wonderful opportunity to interact with senior executives from Infosys on issues related to work life, technical skills, behavioral skills and soft skills required in the Industry.

Students were given an introduction to the concept of Agile Software Development using hands on activities.They were also engaged in an informative/interactive question answer session highlighting the application of technical skills in real life situations and the various challenges they are likely to face.

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November 14, 2019 Children’s Day Celebration for junior school

The students of the Junior Wing celebrated 14th November 2019, Children’s Day with a fun packed performance put up by their educators.

The hour-long event was aimed at celebrating the children in school, around us and the child within us. The teachers took to the stage, sang, danced and posed as high-spirited students in an especially curated act for their young audience. The ensemble created thought provoking moments of self realisation and learning with this exciting and seemingly lighthearted show.

The rest of the day was all about merriment with in the classes; wherein the children played games and bonded with their peers and friends. To say the least, it was indeed a day well spent!

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November 14, 2019 Carnival Time at SFHS! Children’s Day was celebrated at school today, amongst much fun and fanfare. The annual tradition of a Carnival for children has proven to be an event that is awaited by one and all. The day was abuzz with activity as students from the middle school and high school took part in a plethora of fun-filled activities and games that were organised specially for them by their teachers. The school wore a colourful and festive look with penants and streamers dotting every corner of the school. On offer were games designed and fabricated by the educators who manned the stalls and delighted in executing the challenges and victories of all children. Also included were stalls offering sumptuous snacks and drinks. Students enthusiastically danced along to the pleasant music from the jukebox. It was indeed a joyous celebration and a day all students will be sure to remember! Read More
November 14, 2019 Children’s Day celebration with the Mayor, Chandigarh Municipal Corporation

Students of the IBDP Y1 were treated to a unique experience of witnessing the proceedings of the Municipal Corporation of Chandigarh, from the viewers’ gallery in the Assembly Hall of the MCC, in Sector 17. The Mayor, Shri Rajesh Kumar Kalia, accompanied by the Municipal Commissioner, Mr. Kamal Kishore Yadav and Councilors, invited the children to join in the celebration of Children’s Day with a heartwarming cake cutting ceremony.

Later, during an informal interaction with the Mayor, the students posed pertinent questions regarding pressing issues facing the city. Answering questions posed by Dhairya Dua about the proposed metro project and Tribune flyover, the Mayor said that both projects are on track and progressing well. Tapreet Brar quizzed him on the steps being taken by the administration to check pollution due to fireworks and he responded that the High Court orders have helped the administration to cut down on sale and use of firecrackers to a great extent in the city.

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Strawberry Fields High School