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May 12, 2019 IC3 Regional Conference

The IC3 Regional Conference in Chandigarh, was hosted for the second consecutive year by Strawberry Fields High School. The IC3 Regional Forums feature insightful sessions that focus on professional development for career counsellors and high school leaders. The forums are platform to network, learn more about best practices and, stay up-to-date with the latest trends in career and college counselling.

Speaking at the conference, Mr. Ganesh Kohli, Founding President, IC3 Movement and Chair, 2019 IC3 Conference, stressed upon the role of school leaders and counsellors in helping students prepare for as seamless a transition as possible, when stepping out from the cloistered existence within their schools into the often-daunting world of tertiary education.

Illustrious speakers included Mr. Rahul Gill, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Candi Solar, Dr. Ananya Dasgupta, Associate Professor Literature and Director of Writing Centre, Krea University, Prof. Saikat Majumdar, Professor of English and Creative Writing, Ashoka University and Dr. Akshay Anand, Professor, PGIMER, Chandigarh, amongst others.

Prof. Saikat Majumdar also conducted a thoroughly engaging workshop on creative writing for students of the high school, on the side lines of the conference.

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May 11, 2019 College Fair at SFHS and interactive session with Dr. Siddharth Shekhar Singh

The school career counselling department organised a mini college fair for students from the high school in the Newton Hall. Representatives of leading universities from India, USA, and the UK met students and their parents for an extremely productive and well appreciated interaction. The college fairs are a regular feature at school that both parents and students look forward to, in great anticipation.

 As an added value to the event, Dr. Siddharth Shekhar Singhan Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Marketing at the Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad and Mohali, India met parents for a discussion about helping students prepare for tertiary education. Sharing interesting anecdotes from his own rich and varied experiences in choosing and changing careers, he answered queries from a parent’s perspective as well, since his son, upon completion of his schooling at SFHS, is now on the threshold of choosing courses for further study.

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May 8, 2019 From the Director’s desk…

We can feel the sense of trepidation each child and his/her parent feels when results are due. For us, every child remains a winner having gone through the stress and pressure of our examination system. Results are also inevitably a time for us to be humbled as we see students outdo themselves. I for one, could never have got the kind of scores these students unfailingly get. Congratulations to the toppers and front runners and all those who worked hard and survived the pressure. Our good wishes to them as they step into the world that awaits them.

Atul Khanna

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May 7, 2019 ICSE – Roll of Honour
The outstanding result of Class 10 in the ICSE Board Examination 2019 has once again made us proud of our brilliant scholars. Their resounding success, based on steadfast perseverance and commitment to hard work, is also a huge tribute to their tireless educators. With a never before remarkable 48% number of students achieving more than 90% aggregate, the results are indeed gratifying.
Pavit Singh has received the top rank with 98.4%, followed by Thwisha Gupta and Siddharth Chawla sharing the second rank in our school with 96.8%. The third rank is shared by Arhaan Aggarwal, Nehchal Kaur and Siya Ahuja with 96.6%.
The class average of 93% by the cohort is a stupendous achievement of the students.
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May 6, 2019 SFHS elects its School Captain
The Newton Hall at SFHS, witnessed today, the most awaited and thrilling event of the year — the final speeches of the contenders for the keenly contested School Captainship for 2019-20. Asav Kumar and Arsheya Kang, students of IBDP Year 2 and the ISC Class 12, and well matched candidates, transfixed their fellow students from Grades 9-12 with their words and manifestos for candidacy.
While, Arsheya, who prefers to be known for her work more than anything else, is a well-grounded individual who has demonstrated tenacity and consistent dedication to her goals, Asav has tasted success both academically and in the sports field, being an ace sportsman and a student of great caliber.
In the truest form of democratic elections, their inspiring oration was followed by a secret ballot voting by all students of the High School, for their candidate of choice. And finally, Strawberry Fields made its choice, in favour of Arsheya Kang as School Captain!
We wish Arsheya a successful tenure and hope she is able to take her dreams and that of the school forward. We also look forward to Asav’s support within the school fraternity and commend him for the tough competition that he provided in the final round of challenge.
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Strawberry Fields High School