SFHS PDC 2019 Concludes on a Positive Note

November 18, 2019

The last day of the Strawberry Fields High School Parliamentary Debate Championship was an action packed one indeed. The day started off with enthusiastic participants,who were eager to compete in the quarter finals. The top four teams were chosen to compete in the semi finals. After careful discussion and deliberation, the finalists were chosen. The most awaited debate took place with the entire organising committee and participants allowed to spectate. The day ended with the prize distribution for the participants with the following – The best speaker was awarded to Ridhima Bajaj, The Runners Up position was awarded to the team from Bhavan Vidyalya Chandigarh- 1. The First position was bagged by an independent team. This was followed by the organising committee award distribution. All in all, the event was a resounding success.

By: Aanya Malik

Strawberry Fields High School